Children Born Between May 1 and August 31, 2005 to be Grandfathered as 12-Year-Olds for 2018 Little League Baseball® Season. Little League International Board of Directors Amends Age Determination Date Implementation Strategy at Fall 2015 Meeting

Dear League Officials,

Since the decision was first made to amend the age determination date for all divisions of Little League Baseball® and the Little League Challenger Division® in April 2014, Little League® International has received much feedback while working with volunteers, parents, and the Little League International Board of Directors.

This input has allowed the Little League International Board of Directors and staff to make important changes to the implementation of a new age determination date for all baseball divisions. Moving the age determination date allows Little League to work toward its goals of becoming a younger organization, provides children more opportunities to play with their friends and classmates, and make the Little League Baseball Division truly a 12 and under program.

At its August 2015 meeting, the Little League International Board of Directors amended the age determination date for all divisions of Little League Baseball to move to August 31, starting with the 2018 season.

Effective as of November 13, 2015, a new implementation plan has been established, grandfathering children born between May 1 and August 31, 2005 as 12-year-olds for the 2018 season, using the April 30 age determination date. This four-month group of individuals will begin utilizing the new, August 31 age determination date beginning with the 2019 season.

All other children participating in Little League Baseball will continue to follow the implementation strategy established in August 2015.

More information on the implementation, along with the baseball age charts for the 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons can be found on

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