2022 League Evaluations
The 2022 BG East Spring Evaluations will take place Sunday, February 20th at the Bowling Green Junior High Gymnasium. Your child’s evaluation time is determined by his/her LEAGUE AGE. Times and information on how to determine your league age are included below.
Evaluations TimesPlayer Evaluations: Times are below, check-in will begin 30 minutes before each age group begins.
8U and 9U: 12:00pm
10U: 2:30pm
11U and 12U: 4:30pm
What to Bring to Evaluations
The evaluations will be INDOORS so please wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing (shorts or sweats). Bring a glove and helmet, and a bat if you prefer. If you do not have a bat, we will provide one for you.
In Little League Baseball a child’s “Age” can vary from their “League Age” based on Little League’s Age Guidelines. The easiest way to determine your child’s “League Age” is to visit the Little League Age Calculator on the LL website (CLICK HERE).
To better understand how the guidelines work, see the chart below. To determine your child’s “League Age” for evaluations, match the month at the top, with the year they were born below, then move to the right to see the child’s “League Age“.